8.14: Welcome to Paradise

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Kanto Legacy, where we’re starting out a new life in Isla Paradiso!

Our next heiress is Vespiquen, and she’ll soon take over and give us some dark red babies!

Vespiquen: Can you believe dad decided I’m gonna run this family? What was he thinking? That’s way too much responsibility.

Beedrill: I wonder how many new friends I’ll make in this new town.

Vespiquen: Bee, focus!

Beedrill: Relax, sister. It could be worse. You could be cousin Sandy, she’s about to be kicked out of the house.

Vespiquen: I suppose you have a point.

While our future heiress laments, everyone else explores the house. Ling found the tree of prosperity. I’ve never used it before, so it’ll be interesting to experience.

Deerling: Who the heck grew a tree in the middle of our house?

Psyduck: What a lovely horsey. May I buy?

Oh no, I must have accidentally used a seller’s shelf instead of a regular one…I guess I’ll leave it for now, but if it gets too annoying, I’ll replace it.

Mimey must know this is his room. There’s several TVs in the house, but he immediately went to this one to work out.

Maggie, meanwhile, found the wood fire oven and is making garlic bread. Yummy!

Sandy finds her own room as well, and gets started joining chatrooms.

Sandshrew: Yo Jupiter, we made it to the new place! Now we can keep discussing MLP G5!

Jupiter: Oh god, I thought we kicked you out of this discord server ages ago!

Hypno, you haven’t gone to school in this town yet. How do you have homework?

Hypno: Our grades reset. I need to get my GPA back up as fast as possible!

Yeah, I hate that it does this. I set their grades back to what they were before we left. I’ve never moved schools in the middle of a semester before, so maybe this is realistic. But it’s still annoying.

After admiring the seller’s shelf for ages, Psy decides to go around the house sabotaging technology. He always fails, luckily, but I do find it quite amusing. He never did this in the previous house.

There, Psy. A much less destructive activity for you.

Psyduck: Aww yeah, I’m awesome.

He really is. He was second place in the heir poll, and I’m actually tempted to give him his own challenge. We’ll have to wait and see though.

Vespiquen: Woah. Pretty objects. Must buy.

We already own those, silly.

Vespiquen: Pff. I knew that. I was just making cute faces so you would take pictures of me.

Well, it worked. I am very happy with your choice of heiress this time around, guys. She’s so much fun to take pictures of.

Vespiquen: That’s right, follow me with the camera.

She’s getting in practice for when she has babies, love it.

Ling is the first one to find the pool, and she spends her time in it getting soaked by the waterfall.

I sent Quen out to snorkel for a bit to build up her diving skill. She didn’t stay out too long though, since it is getting late.

Beedrill: I think it’s great how you’re living your life to the fullest, Grammy. A woman at the end of her life, like yourself, should be filled with sunshine.

Deerling: Is this supposed to make me feel better, kid?

Beedrill: Just trying to make you smile, Grams.

It’s actually kinda cute. We’re officially on Deerling watch now, and Beedrill’s been talking to her as much as he can lately. Might just be his schmoozer nature, but I like to think that he’s wanting to spend time with her at the end.

Birthday time for Sandshrew! I’m quite happy with our kitchen this time around, it gives ample room for birthday celebrations.

Sandshrew: Alright, birthday gods. Give me something cool.

Sandshrew: Here we go!

Look how pretty she turned out! Her final trait is avant garde, adding to loner, clumsy, computer whiz, and equestrian. Her LTW is to be a Blog Artist, like her aunt Cherubi before her!

Sandshrew: Time to turn my fanfic blogs into a lucrative career!

Vespiquen: What’d you have to go and have a birthday for, Sandy? That means I’m one step closer to having to take responsibility for this family, and Plumbob knows I’m not ready for that.

Sandshrew: You’ll be fine, Quen. I’m sure you can con some sap into taking care of any kids you have, so you can just go out and enjoy the sunshine.

Vespiquen: Aww, thanks Cuz. I knew I loved you.

Of course Sandy’s new trait gave her a new favorite pastime.

Sandshrew: Oh, how atrocious! Who would have ever thought to put THAT thing in this room? So not very.

Sandshrew: What were they thinking?

Deerling: That whipper-snapper’s not the only one who can criticize art! Who elected this statue for display in our house?

Ling’s newest pastime is to harass everything.

We bought Sandy a little one bedroom house and sent her on her way. Bye, love! Hope SP treats you well!

…..oh. I guess SP did not treat you well.

Bee and Hypno are still best friends, even though they don’t talk as much as they did as kids.

Hypno: Is your brother okay, Bee?

Beedrill: I don’t usually think about what that weirdo is doing, honestly.

Psyduck: You can do this, Psy. It’s just a school bus. It’s driven by a person, so there’s no way anything could go wrong.

Promotions are definitely easier as a self-employed writer than as a journalist. Hopefully her first career transferred over and we won’t have to redo it later.

I realized after letting Porygon and Sef leave the house that we don’t have a portrait painter anymore. Since Mimey’s done with his LTW, I put him on painting duty. He’s gotta work his way up first, of course.

Speaking of Pory and Sef, Sef’s already impregnated some face one woman. Pory, on the other hand, is engaged to the lovely Gabrielle Arias. Wishing the best of luck to them!

Beedrill: Uh…where was I going again?

Lol, absent-minded Sims. You were just getting home from school, silly.

Beedrill: Oh yeah.

Vespiquen: Greetings, family! It is I, the chosen savior of our bloodline!

Hypno: I guess she’s starting to take her role more seriously.

Psyduck: Plumbob get me out of this hellhole.

The boys don’t have to deal with her drama much longer though, as I sent her to do some more snorkeling.

Beedrill: My sister sure does make herself known, huh? She’s like a shining disco ball.

Margaret: How rude, Bee. Calling your sister outdated like that.

Psy. You know you’re enjoying technology, don’t you?

Psyduck: Nonsense. This is a relic of a previous generation, and therefore it is my kindred spirit.


Beedrill: I’ve been thinking, Hypno. Let’s make a pact. I’d like to get in better shape while we’re here. You should make a resolution too.

Hypno: You’re right, Bee. New house, new us.

Hypno: I’ve gotta build my charm up, so I can be as suave as Bee.

You know Quen’s gonna kill you if she finds out you’re in her room.

Hypno: Shoot…better make this quick!

Bee starts on his resolution too.

Beedrill: Why ~huff~ did nobody tell me ~huff~ how difficult this working out stuff would be?

Mimey rolled the wish to join the law enforcement career, so I let him. Enjoy your first day of work, sweetie!

Mr. Mime: There are so many out there struggling with all the terrifying things in the world. I must help them!

I’m proud of Mimey for going against his neurotic nature to do some good.

The school apparently glitched. I noticed all the kids standing around outside, so I sent them all back in.

Hypno: C’mon guys, we need to get back to learning.

Vespiquen: OMG, nerd.

Bee has a crush on this girl, Chandall Scott, so we invited her over. I apologize for the dark lighting, she’s at the very edge of the lot. We’ll get a better pic of her later.

Beedrill: Chandall! Thanks so much for coming over.

Chandall: Cool place you’ve got here, your family must be rich.

Beedrill: I mean, I guess we are. But you know what’s cooler than being rich?

Chandall: What’s that?

Beedrill: You.

Yay! Beedrill has himself a girlfriend!

Side note: I did bring Vespiquen’s boyfriend from Bridgeport, Cedrick, with us. She’s not really rolling wishes for him, but we can see where it goes.

Here’s a better picture of Chandall. She’s very cute, I think they suit each other well!

Margaret: Umm, excuse me? Who are you?

Chandall: I’m Beedrill’s girlfriend. He told me I could stay the night since it’s so late.

Margaret: So you decided to just make yourself at home in the guest house?!

I guess she did. I was kinda hoping she’d pick Sandshrew’s bed to sleep in, but I guess it’s fine since Ling hasn’t slept in her bed once since we’ve been here. She must be napping somewhere while I’m not looking though, cause her energy is never very low.

Aha! Of course she’d be in the rocking chair.

Deerling: She stole my bed 😦

Sad Ling is strange to see. She’s never really sad.

Zombie Ariel must have seen Chandall waltzing right in, so she tried to break into the guest house as well. Luckily, she was unable to enter.

Ariel: Door block brains!

Vespiquen: What am I doing here?

It is time.

Vespiquen: Here goes.

Vespiquen: What is this place?

Vespiquen: Cool! It looks like this will be our pool house once it’s completed!

Vespiquen: I wonder why it wasn’t finished before we moved in.

Vespiquen: Wait…what’s this?

Vespiquen: Is that…a body?! How horrible! He must have been crushed under all this debris!

Vespiquen: What a neat room, where in the world did they find a fake corpse? It certainly does liven up our house’s backstory!

Right. A fake corpse.

Margaret: Hello, son. Good to see you on this fine morning.

Psyduck: Later, mom. I’m on a mission.

You sure are gonna keep trying, aren’t you?

Like her twin, Quen’s actually been trying to befriend Ling now that she’s at the end of her life. Of course, we all know how Ling can be.

Deerling: Blah blah, I’m so awesome but I don’t wanna step up and take responsibility as heiress.

Vespiquen: But..gramma! I thought you were supposed to be on my side! You remember what being heiress was like, don’t you?

Deerling: I’m Vespiquen and I think I’m too awesome for this family.

Vespiquen: Hey, you take that back! I may love myself an awful lot, but I love my family just as much!

I missed it because I had to go help our sweet, absent-minded Beedrill get on the school bus, but Quen slapped Ling after being insulted one too many times. Now they hate each other. They’re the only Sims in the household who are in the red with each other.

Both: ~person person minus minus!~

And that’s where we’ll leave things for today. Thanks so much for reading, everybody! Just a little bit longer, and we’ll be starting Quen’s reign!

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