Generation 8 House Tour!

Hi everyone! I’ve finally finished construction on Vespiquen’s Isla Paradiso house! I’m not the best with Sims house design, as we well know, but I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out ^.^

The house is somewhat inspired by Tuscan villas! Here’s the front.

A guest house in the back for previous heirs.

A small wedding venue in the backyard.

Pool with a seating area in the corner.

The patio area, with some seating, a hot tub, an outdoor kitchen, and an upper floor balcony.

An overhead shot of the lower floor of the house. I won’t be showing the bathrooms, they aren’t too interesting XD

The grand entryway/staircase.

A small parlor/sitting area.

Laundry room.

Kitchen/living room.

A totally inconspicuous bookcase. There’s actually a story here. When I’d finished construction and was working on decorating the house, there were some random walls or foundation pieces, something that I wasn’t able to delete. Instead of spending hours trying to figure out the problem, I decided to just make it part of the house’s backstory. I’m sure you can figure out what I did with it, but I won’t say until the Kantos figure it out!

Dining room behind the kitchen.

Small exercise area.

Our heiress Vespiquen’s bedroom.

Nursery for future Cinnabar babies.

Overhead shot of the second floor.

Stairwell with a seating area and balcony.

Small art area in the corner.

An extra room that I’ve just made into a workshop for now.

Sandshrew’s bedroom.

Psyduck’s bedroom.

Beedrill’s bedroom.

Hypno’s bedroom.

Overhead view of the guest house. I won’t show you these rooms close up since I didn’t decorate them as heavily, but there’s Deerling’s bedroom, Mr. Mime and Maggie’s bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room/kitchen area for them to share. You may be wondering about Porygon and Youssef’s living space. Well, I decided to go ahead and move them out of the legacy house. Yes, neither were done with their LTWs and I was enjoying Porygon’s adventuring, but I feel as though traveling with him is breaking up the flow of the legacy, especially with a new heiress about to take over. In the future, I’m probably going to try traveling with a much smaller household or just a single Sim. Apologies to all Porygon fans, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing him soon!

Finally, the guest house has a little basement area with some fun activities and all the heir and spouse portraits. The house is all set up and the Sims are moved in, so expect some new chapters pretty soon!

And The Winner Is….

Congrats to Vespiquen, the winner of Saffron generation and the future bringer of Cinnabar! I don’t usually make separate posts to announce the next heir of my legacy, but I thought it was fitting in this situation. I always knew that if Vespiquen won, we’d move to Isla Paradiso. Since I’ve had such a hard time playing in Bridgeport, I’ve decided to go ahead and move the family there now. I’m currently in the process of building Quen’s grand manor, and I don’t think I’ve spend this long building a house since I was a kid! Once that’s finished, we’ll be back to playing and posting chapters. For now, though, please excuse this hopefully brief hiatus while I set up the next generation ^.^

Generation 8 Heir Poll

It’s time. Let’s choose the next Kanto heir.

Will it be Sandshrew, the fanfiction writer who’s rather awkward in person but very popular online?

Perhaps you’ll chose Psyduck, the always awkward, ever paranoid boy who’d like to live off-grid.

Next, there’s Hypno, the typically kind, mysterious boy with a possible dark side.

How about Vespiquen? She knows she’s gorgeous, and she strives to become princess of the ocean.

Finally, we have Beedrill, a charming and strapping lad who’s a bit of a suck-up.

Five interesting choices for our Saffron Heir. I’m excited to see who you choose!

8.13: Love in the Air

Hi everyone! Keep your eyes out for an heir poll shortly after this chapter is posted!

We start out with Sef making progress toward his goal of having 10 exes.

Youssef: Who might you be, lovely work of art?

Devon: Uhh…I’m Devon.

Youssef: I’m charmed to meet you, Devon.

Devon: Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself.

Three down. Seven to go.

Sandshrew: Man, this is just like that one fanfic where the guy has to date a bunch of people before he realizes that what he wanted this whole time was his true love. How tedious.

Sandshrew: You’re not tedious though, are you Furfrou?

Furfrou: Furfrou appreciate the brush, human.

Deerling: Hey! Back to the subject! You let a subject of the Fairy Lord into our house! I cannot just forgive that!

Brianna’s gone, Ling. And Hypno’s already rolled wishes to learn other Sims’ signs and to meet someone new. I don’t think you have much to worry about.

Deerling: Oh, look at me. My name’s Hypno and my love is so fleeting that I want someone new the next day! Just like that traitor, Andy!

Deerling: Oh, crap…I haven’t thought about him in so long…now I feel kinda sad…

Poor Ling. Getting sentimental at the end of her life. We’re just about on Deerling watch now, btw. It’s been a while since we’ve had a Sim die of old age around here.

Hypno: Grandma! So exciting to see you this morning!

Deerling: Yawn. Get out of here, cheater-pants.

Hypno: Cheater-pants? What’s that supposed to mean?

Nothing, kid. Ling’s sensitive about relationship stuff.

Sandshrew: Mmmm, what a delectable specimen. I’ve found my future spouse, Simmer.

Only if you’re not heiress, Sandy. You can’t exactly procreate with a video game character.

Beedrill: You’re looking particularly fit today, my favorite cousin.

Hypno: Thanks, Bee. At least someone around here is nice.

Deerling: Suck up.

Beedrill: Sister. It appears that you’ve burned your food. Are you sure you should be cooking?

Vespiquen: Leave me alone, Bee. I have to wallow.

Quick interlude: Porygon took a trip to France! I haven’t been taking many pictures of our vacations, since it feels a bit weird to constantly pause and adjust the camera while we’re adventuring. A few highlights though:

Porygon: Excuse me, Mr. Corpse. Just stealing your treasure.

Dead person: I starved to death. Please take my remains and bury me next to my wife.

Porygon: Ooohhh, what’s this shiny?

Dead person: ….this is my savoir?

Porygon: I thought I heard you drowned yourself. Why do I now have to interview you for a quest, and why are you not a ghost?

Laurant: I was respawned so you wouldn’t be locked out of your task. I think my code is broken now though, cause I’m in a constant state of hunger.

Porygon: Who the heck surrounds their house with pits of fire? No treasure is worth this stupidness…

Champs Les Sims sure is an interesting place.

Mr. Mime: I hope Porygon hasn’t been traveling more because of me…he doesn’t really think that I had an affair with Youssef and got him pregnant with Hypno, does he?…

Mr. Mime: Gah! Is this his punishment for my alleged crime?!

Mr. Mime: I can’t live like this anymore!

I had Sef quit his job. We don’t need the money, and this will give him more time to woo Sims.

First, he met this lady at the park. But she’s a tourist and has no romantic options, so she’s a no-go.

Maybe this guy will do.

Old Man: Hurry this up, sonny. My bladder ain’t what it used to be.

He’s married, but Sef wants to kiss him. Poor old man, Sef’s gonna ruin his life.

Vespiquen: Hey, pay attention to me now.

Quen went home with one of Em’s kids after school, but then her friend Cedrick asked her to come over. If you don’t recall, his dad read Quen a bedtime story when she was a kid. So she abandoned her family and went to Ced’s apartment.

Vespiquen: Thanks for having me over, Ced. It’s been so long since you’ve basked in my presence.

He turned out pretty cute. I thought you wanted a mermaid/merman though?

Vespiquen: This one’s hot. He’ll do.

I took pity on the poor boy and gave him a quick makeover. There, much better.

Vespiquen: Alright, Ced. Let’s make with the kissing.

Cedrick: I’ve had a crush on you for a long time, Quen. I would love to kiss you, but I wanna make sure that you have feelings for me too. I don’t want to do this if you only want a physical relationship.

Vespiquen: Hey. Don’t start questioning my motives. Either you kiss me right now, or I’m leaving.

Cedrick: Well, in that case-

Cedrick: Get over here, Quen.

That’s two members of Saffron generation with a highschool sweetheart!

Tom: The hell’s going on in my house?

Cedrick: Crap! Dad, you’re home early….

Vespiquen: That’s my que to leave. See you later, boyfriend.

Cedrick: Heh. I like the sound of that.

Margaret: Oh, my heart! My baby girl has a boyfriend, that means I’m getting old!

Sandshrew: Don’t be so dramatic, Auntie Mags.

Psyduck: Do you think we’ll get significant others too, Bee?

Beedrill: I’m not really looking right now, Psy. Maybe you’ll find yourself a mountain girl someday though.

Porygon: It’s no wonder you’re such a disappointment, Hypno. You’re not even my real son!

Hypno: What the heck, dad? Of course I’m your son.

Deerling: Lolol, this exchange is just like a video game cutscene.

Hypno: Dad. I know you’re upset about dad leaving you. But Shuck, Sandy, and I still love you. We’re here for you if you need anything.

Porygon: Stop talking to me! I don’t want to see your face anymore, you just remind me of Sef!

Hypno: Oh. I understand now. Guess I’ll stay away from you then.

Porygon: You’d better.

While this was happening, Ling got invited out on a date. By Andy.

Deerling: The nerve of that guy. Asking me out and then standing me up. I’ve been here almost three hours…guess I should give up now.

Andy: Wait! Here I come, Ling! Don’t leave!

Andy: Deerling! I’m so sorry I’m late, I had to work late. It’s so good to see you. Remember when we used to just sit out together and watch the stars?

Deerling: I remember being pretty starstruck by you. Not anymore though. I came to my senses after you left me.

Andy: Maybe that was a mistake.

Deerling: Maybe you’re just saying that because our time is almost up and you’re lonely.

On a more positive note, Maggie finally reached level 5 of journalism! Time to switch careers!

Hopefully writing will go quicker than journalism did.

That’s all for today, everyone! Thanks so much for reading, and be on the lookout for the heir poll! Hooray for the dawn of a new generation!

8.12: The Fairy Lord’s Schemes

This chapter is a bit longer than most, but a lot happened during this play session!

After the divorce, Sef decided to make our maid, Nadia, his first conquest. Unfortunately, he had to leave for work after asking her to hang out. Newly diva-fied Quen stepped up to entertain her.

Vespiquen: So I have this friend that I used to talk to that nobody else seemed to see. But I know he was real. Just like mermaids are real.

Nadia: Ughh, I’d rather drink toxic waste than listen to this child’s drivel.

Psyduck: I am thoroughly amused by this conversation I’m eavesdropping on.

Nadia: Look, kid. I’m super not interested in the woes of a rich kid living an easy-as-pie life.

Vespiquen: Rich? I thought we were rather poor, honestly. Otherwise, I’d have more nice things.

Porygon: If it isn’t my favorite nephew! Can I join your eavesdropping and make this a family event?

Psyduck: It’s kinda sad how you’re begging like a dog for family time after your divorce, Unc. Especially when you’ve hated us kids your whole life.

Porygon: Well, fine then. If that’s how you feel, I’ll just be taking my dog elsewhere.

Psyduck: Works for me.

Furfrou: Furfrou does not understand the human quarrel.

Porygon: At least you still love me, right Furfrou?

Furfrou: Furfrou just loves being doted on by humans.

Hypno: Oh my gosh, you’re Nadia the maid! I love your work, especially when you flirt with my dad instead of cleaning the house!

Vespiquen: Hypno. Read the room.

Nadia: I think it’s time I got out of here.

Except, she didn’t get out of here. She instead put back on her maid uniform and returned to the house, booing the family along the way. She really hates Deerling, for some reason.

Nadia: Boo to the weird, swimsuit-clad old lady!

Deerling: Haters gonna hate.

Porygon: This child. He looks nothing like me. Are you the product of your father’s infidelity as well?

Hypno has green skin, Pory. Where do you think he got that from? Surely not any townies.

Porygon: No…it was staring me in the face this whole time…MIMEY!!!!

So not what I meant.

Vespiquen: Camera back to me for a moment. I’ve come to a startling realization. Boys are super cute!

Vespiquen: I have to get in shape if I want one of them to notice me!

After being accused of being an affair baby, Hypno makes his way back to where he’s the most comfortable.

Bee, meanwhile, builds himself an igloo.

Beedrill: That house is full of bad vibes. I need somewhere else to sleep at night.

Nadia the Maid makes herself more of a nuisance to the Kantos by chatting with Mimey right in front of Sandshrew’s bedroom, making everyone in the room unroutable for a while. Yay.

Nadia: Why, Mr. Kanto. Don’t you look handsome in your pjs.

Mr. Mime: Uhh….thanks? Honey? What do I do about this flirtatious woman?

Margaret: Preferably get her out of the way so I can leave our niece’s bedroom.

She then chooses to scare the daylights out of poor Psyduck.

Nadia: I’ve set up cameras all over the house to spy on you!

Psyduck: GASP! I just knew technology could be used against us!

Mr. Mime: It’s so nice that our son will be graduating soon. I’m sure he’ll find a nice, technology-free house somewhere in the country.

When Sef gets home, it’s time for her to make even more of a mess in the household.

Youssef: My dearest, you’ve waited for me!

Nadia: Of course I did, you big lug. I’ve only been eyeing your fortune – I mean, your fortunate good looks – for ages.

Youssef: Why, my dear, you certainly bring sunshine and roses to my day.

Mr. Mime: Should I…say something to Porygon? I don’t know, he’s still pretty mad at me, thinking I’m the true father of his child, so…maybe I’ll just leave things alone. Yeah, that’s probably for the best.

Youssef: It’s been so long since I’ve been allowed to feel such things for someone other than my husband. I must thank you for this opportunity, Nadia.

Nadia: I feel the same, Sef. I’ve been waiting for you to leave that hot-head for me.

Youssef: What?! You think I left Porygon for YOU?! I left that man to have my freedom back, and yet you’d dare try to tie me down again?!

Nadia: Dude, chill. I don’t care for commitment either. I just thought we’d hook up and have some fun together. And maybe I could take some of your money while you weren’t looking.

Youssef: As if I’d let you get your hands on this family’s fortune! I do still care for Porygon and our family, even though we’re no longer together. I want you out of this house, and never come back!

Nadia: Who needs you or this job, anyways. I’m super hot, I’ll dupe some other rich family into letting me into their lives.

Nadia: You win some, you lose some, I guess.

And we never saw Nadia again. No, really.

She was replaced by this guy the next day.

Youssef chose to nap on the couch after the ordeal, waiting for Porygon to wake up so he could steal the bed.

Early the next morning…

Beedrill: Are you quite sure this is the best idea, sister?

Vespiquen: Of course this is a good idea! There’ll be nobody else here for a few hours, nobody’s gonna know that we snuck in early. And if you’re that worried about it, you didn’t have to come!

Vespiquen: Ahhh…it feels so good to be in the water.

Beedrill: Bee…you’ve got to stop doing things just because Quen asks you to. You’re your own man, and you have a reputation to uphold.

Beedrill: I’m sure she won’t mind if I just head home without her. She’s the one who wants to be in the water, after all. No need for me to just stand around.

While his kids were out being heathens, Mimey maxed his athletic skill!

Mr. Mime: It’s good to finally get all the weight off from my time as a mixologist. Those sure were some wild times.

I’m not sure I’d consider much of your life to be wild, Mimey.

Quen made her way back home, then immediately beelined for Deerling.

Vespiquen: Granny, you’re such a diva! You just think the world revolves around you because you were heiress once, don’t you?

Deerling: Say what now?

Vespiquen: Don’t even try to deny it, you old hag. You’ve just gotta accept that there’s a new queen in town.

Deerling: Dude, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Do I even know you?

Both: ~person person minus minus~

Porygon: Allow me to soothe your souls with the gentle sounds of snake charming.

Vespiquen: It feels good to assert one’s dominance.

Beedrill: What beautiful, soothing music you play, uncle Porygon.

Vespiquen: Brother! Ignore the old man and bask with me!

Happy birthday, Maggie! Welcome to midlife!

Margaret: Wait, no! I’m not ready!

Hypno: Don’t worry, Auntie Mags. I’ll be here to support you. Mysteriously.

Hypno: Yay! You’re old now!

Margaret: Am I dead yet?

Her outfit is a bit young for a middle-aged woman, but I’ll let her keep it for now. She seems like the type to hold onto her youth as long as possible. But, no MLC!

This is Brianna, one of the kids’ friends from school. Psy has the wish to learn her sign, so over to our home she comes. She’s actually very cute when she’s not scowling.

Brianna: I’m not scowling. This is my smile. I’m super happy to be here.

This shot isn’t much better. For some reason, the lighting on our porch makes Sims look possessed.

Brianna: I am possessed. With love. For your family.

Psyduck: Brianna! You came! And the spies who are watching our house through our hidden cameras didn’t intercept you!

Brianna: Of course they didn’t. I’m too sly.

Psyduck: Dear Plumbob, she might be perfect.

Brianna: The fairy lord tells me this one is good.

So, you find each other attractive then?

Both: Nope. 1/10.

Oh…well, we still have to ask her sign, and then we can see where things go from there, I guess. Psy might be a lone wolf, he doesn’t find anyone attractive. Ever.

Brianna: The fairy lord says we’d be compatible mates. He wants me to have your babies. But I’m still not attracted to you.

Psyduck: Same. I’ll keep you in mind for the mates thing though, in case I’m heir.

Brianna: Deal.

Hypno: Who the heck is this, Psy?

Psyduck: This is Brianna. The fairy lord wants us to procreate.

Hypno: You wanna bang my cousin? Unacceptable!

Brianna: Oh, I like a man who asserts himself. No matter what the fairy lord says!

So…I suppose I should explain. Hypno’s having a mood swing and wanted to get in a fight. But he has generally good relationships with his family and I didn’t wanna ruin that, so….Brianna became his victim.

Hypno: Take THAT!

Brianna: Oh, my!

Psyduck: Hmm. I wonder what the outcome will be.

Brianna: Feel the fairy lord’s wrath!

Hypno: I did not expect this outcome!

Psyduck: Haha, he just got his ass handed to him.

Hypno: AGHHH! This is soooo frustrating!

Brianna: Next time, don’t pick fights you can’t win.

Youssef: Son? Did I just hear that you tried to beat up a girl?

Psyduck: Lol, you’re so dead.

Youssef: What the hell do you think you’re doing?! I understand you’re going through a hard time. You’ve become a teen with raging hormones, and your father and I just split up. But you can’t just go around beating people up! You must treat ladies with respect, Hypno!

Hypno: You mean like you treat ladies, by using them and throwing them away?

Youssef: That’s it, young man! You’re in TIME OUT!

Hypno: Seriously? Time out? What do you think I am, five? Just ground me, at least that’s less embarrassing.

Hypno: Grrr….

Psyduck: Are you okay, Bri? I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize my cousin was gonna go berserk and attack you like that. He’s usually the nice one.

Brianna: It’s okay, Psy. I think I’ve gotten a good picture of this family now. The fairy lord knows exactly what my path is now.

Hypno: ~rolls wish to befriend Brianna~

Brianna: Yes, yes….it’s all coming together.

Youssef: Goodbye, son! I hope you’ve learned a valuable lesson from this!

Hypno: Stupid hormones….stupid, gorgeous woman…messing with my head like that…

Sandshrew: Little brother, I totally feel for your plight. But would you mind having your mental breakdown in your own room? I’m trying to write my smutty fanfic, and given your circumstances, you definitely don’t need to be around for that.

Youssef: Maybe I’ve been too hard on the boy…he is going through some things right now…

Beedrill: Why, who might you be?

Brianna: Hmm…do I need this one too? What do you think, my lord?

Psyduck: Woah, hey now…she’s supposed to be my future legacy mate whom I have no attraction toward!

Beedrill: You must be Brianna. You’ve been causing quite a scene with my family, you know. Of course, your beauty knows no bounds, so I understand completely.

Brianna: Charming, I’m sure.

Psyduck: Don’t fall for his smoothness, Bri! Oh, bother….

Vespiquen: Hey, Hypno. I heard what happened. I also heard your bitchy sister was rude to you instead of showing you kindness. Well, I’m here to help.

Hypno: What’s in it for you?

Vespiquen: My dearest brother abandoned me today. It’s time I got back at him. So. You wanna make things right with that girl? I think I can help.

Brianna: I was born on the London bridge. That was before it fell down, of course. And once it fell, I too fell down into the void. That’s where I met the fairy lord. He gave me these wings.

Beedrill: She sure is pretty, but…I think this one’s too crazy for me.

Both: 1/10 attractiveness.

Man, nobody likes her that way.

Deerling: YOU! A glowbug, minion of the fairy lord! What are you doing in my house, fiend? Have you come to take me back to him? I REFUSE! Deerling Kanto is a fairy no more!

Brianna: Umm….I know not who you are. The fairy lord has other plans for me.

Beedrill: Good choice, Bee. This one is definitely too crazy. Time to leave these weirdos be, and get some dinner.

Despite the chaos, Mimey and Maggie are still very much in love.

Pory has chosen painting as an outlet. I am glad his hot-headed trait hasn’t been showing itself with all the heartache. I liked this painting, so I kept it for a future nursery.

Our new maid is a crappy one. He dilly-dallies until the last minute, picks up the trash to take it out, then immediately dumps it on the ground because it’s time for him to go.

Maid: My work here is done.

Hypno: Kekeke…it’s just like Quen said. My sister’s fanfics are the perfect way for me to figure out how to deal with my conflicting feelings toward that girl! Now, let’s just look under the tag “enemies to lovers.” Oh….oh my….I definitely didn’t need to know my big sis was into this kind of stuff!

Sandshrew: It sure is nice coming up to the attic to honor those who came before me! Grandma Chandra seemed so cool, I should definitely write a fanfic about her someday!

Deerling: MOTHER! Clearly your influence still holds in this household long after your death. It was you who brought the fairy lord’s servant here, wasn’t it? Well, I will not stand for this!

Sandshrew: On second thought, this fairy lord business could be an interesting topic to base a story around.

Beedrill: Look, I know we’ve already rejected each other, but I was just thinking. You’ve made a deal with my elder brother to mate with him should he become heir. So maybe you’d accept a similar proposition from me? Perhaps we could talk about the idea over dinner, and maybe a concert?

Vespiquen: Pathetic brother, groveling over such a peculiar girl.

Vespiquen: You. I’m supposed to be the only pretty girl in my brothers’ lives. So while we’re making propositions –

Brianna: Oh, no. I’m sorry. I only mate with males.

Vespiquen: So not where I was going with that. What I meant was, leave Bee and Psy alone. They fawn over their precious sister only. You can have my cousin though.

Beedrill: Sister. So you do still care about me! I thought you’d be furious with me after I left you.

Vespiquen: Of course I care about you, my dear little brother. Just remember, you follow my orders.

Hypno: Surprise! Water balloon fight!

Brianna: What the hell. Don’t you know servants of the fairy lord are forbidden from touching water?

Hypno: But…but I was just trying to be friends…

Vespiquen: Oh my god, really Hypno? That’s what you took from Sandy’s smut fics? Water balloon fights?

Hypno: Well, I only read one, but it got very explicit…seemed like a good idea at the time…

Beedrill: Plumbob, you’re such an idiot.

Hypno: I’m so, so sorry, Brianna! I’m sorry that I got into a fight with you earlier, and I’m sorry that I totally messed up and made things worse just now.

Brianna: It’s okay. I don’t know much about human men, but from what I understand, you were simply trying to perform a mating ritual on me. Am I correct?

Beedrill: I wonder if sister is as weirded out right now as I am?

Hypno: Well, you’re sorta right. I really just wanted you to forgive me. And maybe…be my friend.

Brianna: I do not make friendships with humans. It is forbidden by the fairy lord.

Beedrill: You’re weirded out by this too, right Quen?

Vespiquen: Shut up, Bee. They’re having a moment.

Beedrill: So, maybe we should leave them alone and go to bed then?

Vesipquen: Yes, brother. I think that would be wise.

Hypno: You can’t be friends? But what about Psyduck?

Brianna: The fairy lord does allow us to mate with humans. Fairy-human hybrids have a certain power to them.

Hypno: So…you could date me?

Brianna: Yes. I do believe I could.

Hypno: ~rolls wish to kiss Brianna~

Hypno: Before we take things any further, I just want to make sure there isn’t anymore animosity between us. I really, truly am sorry for the incident. My parents just got a divorce, and I was angry. But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.

Brianna: That’s the past, Hypno. And I got to whoop your ass, so I didn’t mind. Just don’t let it happen again.

Hypno: Of course. Now, I’ve been wanting to do this all day…

Hypno: Do you think….you’d want to choose me to mate with? Would that…please the fairy lord?

Brianna: Yes, I do believe that it would.

They do look sweet together. Please know that I don’t condone attacking random people, nor do I condone becoming romantic with someone who attacks you. But this is the Sims, so…we’ll let it slide. That’s all for today, everyone. I didn’t get as far in this play session as intended since so much happened, so the heir poll will have to come after the next chapter! Thank you all for reading, and Happy Simming!

8.11: One Step Closer

Psyduck: Guess what, cousin Sandy? I heard our Simmer is finally back to finish our generation!

Sandshrew: Haha, as if! I’ll give this new interest in our family a week at most!

Psyduck: A week? I don’t think she’ll last the weekend!

Hey, now. I’ll have you know that I fully intend to wrap up this legacy by the end of the year!

You believe in me, don’t you Youssef?

Youssef: Darling, I don’t mind either way as long as you keep showing readers my beautiful face ;D

Anyways…. we start out the chapter with a rare picture of Furfrou. And unfortunately, it’s one of him losing his bladder in the house.

Furfrou: Furfrou isn’t as young as he used to be…

Sandy’s progressing rather well in logic now, and has learned almost all of the potions at this point.

Sandshrew: Unlike some people, I have readers to keep happy. My newest blog is all about experimenting with unknown compounds.

I thought you ran a pony fanfic blog.

Sandshrew: …we’re having a bit of a lull in the fandom. I’ve moved onto other things.

Psyduck: Mother! I have to ask, how did you sleep last night? It can’t be easy having a job that constantly ties you to one of those confounded devices.

Margaret: Where did I go so wrong in my parenting?

Margaret: Hey, Psy. Change of subject. Do I look sexy? I wanna give your father a nice surprise when he wakes up, and I wanna make sure I’m hot when I do.

Psyduck: I….think it’s time for school.

Time for Porygon’s (hopefully) last trip to Egypt!

(Side note: I know I promised to finish Mr. Mime’s university degree at some point, but with Porygon still so far behind on his LTW, I’m not sure that’s gonna happen. I do somewhat regret having both heirs do travel-related things this generation. It’s making the family a bit wonky.)

Pory takes a break from his gallivanting to charm some snakes.

Woman: I do love a man who can play an instrument.

Woman: What do you say we go exploring together, handsome stranger?

Porygon: Yawn. Boring. Move along.

Woman: D:

Adventurer: So true, snake charmer. That chick is super boring.

Leave that poor lady alone!

Porygon: Uhhh…

Woman: ….brains?

Man, she just can’t catch a break.

Some more adventuring later, and we’ve officially explored enough tombs to be done with Egypt! Yay!

Porygon: Good. Does that mean I can get out of this tomb of dead people and get back to my husband?

And kids?

Porygon: Yeah, them too I guess.

Back home, Sandy went home with one of Em and Kenickie’s kiddos. And hey, they still have Goodra the Dragon!

Goodra: Goo?

Kenickie: Who’s the girl, Treecko?

Treecko: Snivy brought her home and dumped her with us.

Sandy found the dragon!

Sandshrew: Oh…oh….he’s nibbling my hand…

Sandshrew: This is way too nerve-wracking….

Missingno: Em’s great-grandchild is on the premesis? Oh, joy!

Good to see you too, Em.

Back home, Beedrill and Vespiquen gang up on their mom.

Beedrill + Vespiquen: Read us a story, mother. Storrryyy.

Margaret: These two have the creepy twin schtick down.

Vespiquen: Our plan failed, little brother. Mother didn’t read us a story, and we still have to do our homework.

Beedrill: Well, you still have to do yours. I did mine earlier. But I’ll still offer you moral support, sister.

Psyduck: Don’t you kids have somewhere else to be creepy twins?

Our little Psyduck has been making friends with a girl at school, so I had him call her up, forgetting his hatred for technology.

Psyduck: It’s okay, Psy. You can do this. It’s just one little phone call…

Psyduck: Deirdre! Hey! It’s Psyduck, we sit next to each other in algebra. Yeah…the guy who threw his pencil at the projector box…

Hmmm…the little sister of Bronson. We should probably pick someone else for Psyduck since Bronson is married to his cousin. But they can still be friends.

Hypno’s a pretty quiet kid. He mostly keeps to himself or plays with Furfrou.

Hypno: I find the stars much more fascinating than people, don’t you?

Meanwhile, the twins have found another hapless victim to gang up on.

Vespiquen: Gramma, Bee and I here have a proposition for you, involving story reading in this household.

Beedrill: Try to leave without hearing us out, and you’ll have to deal with me. Did I do the intimidation right, sis?

They do somewhat remind me of our dear demon twins from Pewter generation.

Maggie finally got to the point where she needs to interview people. We’re close to finishing journalism. After that, I think we’ll go with self employment for the rest of her careers.

Margaret: I’m doing a story on baby-napping. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?

Vampire: No, of course not. This baby is absolutely my baby. I didn’t steal him from my roommate or anything.

The kids know this former paper girl, Rashida I think, from school and I thought she was cute. I had Psy track her down.

Psyduck: It’s really dreadful that you live by yourself in an apartment, Ras. Don’t you worry that you’ll be crushed by the elevator every time you ride it?

Rashida: Well, I didn’t before.

She does disappoint me a bit. I mistakenly thought she was a werewolf at first, not a vampire. She and Psy aren’t getting along anyways, so moving on.

Oh no! We’ve had our first gnome death of the legacy.

Deerling: Alas, poor Gnome-rick.

Margaret: Don’t worry, I’ll dedicate a section to him in my new article.

Furfrou: Furfrou will miss the gnome!

Hypno: I hereby decree that this day shall be national gnome day, in honor of our fallen friend.

Sandshrew: That’s real cute, kid. But there are a hundred other chairs in this house, so get off of mine.

Birthday time for Youssef!

Of course, he gets a midlife crisis. If he rolls the wish to divorce Porygon during this time, I’ll do his LTW. If not, I’ll change it to something else and let him and Pory continue to live happily together.

Mr. Mime: Oh no! My poor brother’s about to have his heart broken!

Margaret: Maybe not. Maybe Sef will just spend his midlife crisis developing a newfound love for our family dog.

Right, cause that’s what people do when they’re having breakdowns.

Youssef: My love! Have I told you lately how much you amuse me?

Porygon: Oh Sef, that’s so romantic of you to say!

Porygon: Amuse? What’s that supposed to mean? Am I losing my handsome touch?

Porygon: I need to get back in shape….those stupid kids have been bringing me down…especially that Beedrill…he’s too nice for his own good.

Vespiquen: Guys, it’s crisis mode time. We gotta find a way to keep Uncle Pory and Uncle Sef together! Maybe a potion will help.

Psyduck: I’ll write down any ideas you have in my notebook!

Sandshrew: I really couldn’t care less if my parents get divorced or not. What I would like is for you guys to get out of my room. I have a…study session planned with my followers.

Hypno doesn’t seem too concerned either.

Hypno: My daddies are getting old and might get divorced?

Hypno: I mean, if that will make them both happy, that’s fine by me.

Taking a break from your “study session?”

Sandshrew: Things didn’t go like I planned. Let me lament my feelings through song.

I thought for a while that Youssef would remain faithful to Pory through this crisis. He kept rolling romantic wishes for his husband.

Youssef: Please, Porygon, let us renew our love for one another.

Porygon: Well, Pory, you still got it!

But then, right after they woohooed….

Youssef: Love NOT renewed, Porygon! You’ve chained me down for too long! I need my freedom back.

Porygon: Wait…where is this coming from? I thought we loved each other…

Youssef: If you truly loved me, you would let me have my freedom to roam! A man like me can’t be expected to be tied down to one person forever! I waited until our children were old enough to understand, so it’s time for me to explore other Sims again.

Porygon: I…I never knew you felt this way…

Porygon: You shouldn’t have married me if you didn’t wanna be tied down, Sef. That wasn’t fair to me or our kids.

Youssef: You don’t even care about our kids, Porygon.

Porygon: You’re acting like a monster right now, you know?

Youssef: Now now, there’s no need for insults.

Porygon: I think I have the right to insult you as much as I want, Sef! I loved you and you broke my heart!

Youssef: Well…I suppose I can give you that at least.

Taking a break from the disillusion of a marriage, it’s time for the youngest three kids to become teens! We’re that much closer to an heir poll!

Beedrill: What are you gonna wish for, sis?

Vespiquen: To meet a mermaid!

Beedrill: I think I’ll wish for some cake.

Beedrill: Wait, I changed my mind. Maybe I want sushi instead of cake.

Vespiquen: Quiet, brother! It’s my time to shine!

Vespiquen: Tada! I’ve become ten times more wonderful!

She turned out so pretty! And she knows it, too. Her new trait is diva, adding to heavy sleeper, friendly, and loves to swim. She’ll definitely be turning heads in school.

Vespiquen: I’m that much closer to nabbing me a mer!

Here’s Beedrill, who also turned out quite handsome! His new trait is schmoozer, adding to absent-minded, athletic, and good. I think he spent a bit too much time doing what Quen told him during childhood.

Beedrill: I live to please uwu

Hypno’s turn!

Hypno: I hope I turn out cool and attractive like my cousins…

I’m sure you will, hun.

I think his wish came true! His new trait is irresistible, adding to excitable, genius, and animal lover. I feel like he’s that quiet, mysterious kid in school that everyone wants to know more about.

Hypno: Everyone’s a sucker for people who are nice to animals.

The pseudo-triplets turned out really awesome, I think! I’m calling them the prep school trio now. But the older two kids are still awesome too, being our socially awkward weirdos! Now, let’s get a look at their genetics.

Lovely Quen has Maggie’s eye shape and nose, and Mimey’s mouth and jaw shape. Yay, not a clone!

Poor Beedrill didn’t fare so well. He’s a complete face clone of Maggie, only with a different eye color. He’s still handsome though, so we’ll forgive him.

Hypno is mostly Sef, but he does have Porygon’s mouth. That means we only have one clone this generation! Yay for us!

That’s all I have for this chapter, everyone. It’ll probably just be one or two more chapters until the next heir poll, and then we’ll be on generation 9! We’re so close to the end, everyone! Just a couple generations to go, and I’ll have finally finished a legacy challenge!