8.15: The Last of the Saffrons

Deerling: Wrassin’ frassin’ kids, thinking they can go to the moon and such! Get back to what’s important, me!

Yeah, yeah, Ling. I’m back to the Kanto legacy. Sorry for the wait, life’s been busy since my last post. Fortunately, after this chapter, we’ll officially begin Vespiquen’s reign!

Maggie’s up to level three of the writing career. The next couple levels will probably take a bit, but at least she’ll get through it quicker than journalism.

Psyduck went home after school with Cedrick, his little sister’s boyfriend.

Psyduck: Gotta make sure this guy is fit for Quen. I’m rather puzzled he’s wearing the same shirt as me though…

It’s in fashion right now.

At first, it seemed like they would get along.

But then…

Psyduck: I like your house, Ced. It’s nice and secluded, no technology in sight.

Cedrick: So what you’re saying is that it sucks.

Cedrick: I’m sorry, that was mean. It’s hard being ripped away from your family to follow a girl who hasn’t even bothered to call…but hey, maybe we could see a concert together or something? Get to know each other?

Psyduck: Friendship door has already been closed.

And what is Quen doing while her brother and boyfriend fail to hit it off? Playing catch with her dad!

Of course, she’s not very good, which frustrates the super athletic Mimey.

Mr. Mime: Sweetie, please try throwing it with more force next time…

Vespiquen: Daddy, I’d mess up my nails if I threw that thing any harder.

Maggie tests out our tree of prosperity.

Margaret: What a peculiar flavor.

Margaret: I’m feeling the sudden urge make a sculpture of my favorite celebrity.

Maybe sculpting can be our next career.

Margaret: Oh. Hypno. You’re still here.

Hypno: Don’t pretend to care about me, Auntie Mags.

Hypno: My dearest cousin, Bee, is the only one who does.

Beedrill: Why do I feel the sudden urge to get a restraining order?

Okay, Hypno. I know you two are best friends forever, but I think this is a bit much.

Margaret: Honey? What’s going on? Am I having that crazy vacation dream again?

Let’s try to get Mimey to safety so he doesn’t drown in the floor!

Psyduck: Ahhh, poolside seating. What a great place to relax and be one with myself.

Margaret: Psyduck! Honey! Can I sit with you?

Mimey’s safe!

Psyduck: OMG mom, all I wanted was time to myself and you had to come ruin it.

Mimey took his son’s place after he left.

Mr. Mime: I’m worried about our kids, Maggie….are they ready for the real world? Have we coddled them too much? Do they have any real skills? Bee could maybe become a politician or a businessman, but I don’t know about Psy or Quen…

Margaret: Fortunately, husband, they’re not our problem anymore once they grow up.

Psyduck: Ahhh, alone again.

I sent Ling to visit Shuckle’s family since she had a baby back in Bridgeport. It took them ages to let her in, and apparently it was because they were busy trying to give him a sibling.

Here’s baby Niklaus Kanto! He’s such a cutie, with Bronson’s freckles!

They finally got around to letting Ling inside.

Deerling: What’s with the workout gear, Sandshrew? You’re already too skinny, try eating some dessert and put some meat on those bones.

Shuckle: Good to see you too, Grammy.

Bronson: That is one fine old lady.

Bronson: Wait. Don’t publish that. I’m not attracted to old people. I love my wife!

Hmmm, I am wondering about that wandering eye of his. I’ve been getting popups that their relationship is having issues.

Quen got to a high enough level in diving to go to the first diving spot.

This is my first time doing anything with this skill, how cool!

She got glitched out of the diving hole when I tried to send her to explore an underwater cave, though. Maybe I did something wrong? We’ll have to try again another time.

Psyduck: At last, I arise the victor!

Looks like Psy managed to finally sabotage something. I guess Ling will have something to do now instead of just wandering around aimlessly.

❤ Mimey paints some really cute things. I kept this one.

Another super cool one! I’m wondering what trait influences his art. Maybe shy or neurotic?

Birthday time for Psyduck!

Tada! His final trait is night owl, and his LTW is……fairytale finder? He…wants to adopt a unicorn? Interesting. Not sure what I expected from him, but I guess it makes sense that he’d seclude himself away in the woods and come across one XD

I wanted to give him a big, bushy beard to solidify the mountain man look, but it was kinda ridiculous on him. I love him too much to make him look that silly!

His last act in the house was to try sabotaging the science station.

Psyduck: Confound it….

We bought Psy a little house and he immediately joined the police force after leaving. Guess he’ll be working with his father! He has kind of a love interest too, and funny enough, she’s the girlfriend of Tariq Scott, Beedrill’s girlfriend’s dad. Very convoluted, I know, but I was amused by it!

Vespiquen: Magic mirror on the wall, I’m still the fairest one of all, right?

Magic Mirror: Mmm girl, you fine.

Vespiquen: Hehe, you flatter me.

One of the kids brought home this boy, Omar, after school. Does he have purple eyes?!? We must have!

Vespiquen: I approve!

Looking at the wiki, he supposedly has brown eyes. I’ll have to take him into CAS to check.

Vespiquen: Hello, handsome. I am your future queen.

Omar: Hey, the name’s Omar.

Omar: You’re smokin’ hot.

Vespiquen: You finding me hot is hot.

Unfortunately, he took off pretty soon after Quen introduced herself. If he really does have purple eyes though, I may very well go for multiple baby daddies for Quen. I want the purple!

Hypno: Quen! Your love has route failed me!

It really did. For some reason, the game reset him to the house’s entrance because he couldn’t walk up the other staircase.

Uhh…Ling? What are you doing?

Deerling: Hello? Is this that hot Egyptian guy who used to live with me?

Mr. Mime: Mom, what are you doing? Why are you calling that horrible man? He broke Porygon’s heart!

Deerling: Eh. He’s single now.

I mean, technically he is. But he’s still with his face one baby mama unofficially, and they have lots of romantic popups.

Deerling: Semantics.

Back to the dive spot with Quen!

Vespiquen: Oh Plumbob…what is that?!

Vespiquen: SHARK! ~pees self~

Vespiquen: Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.

Nothing to be embarrassed about. I’d be scared if I saw a shark while diving too.

Let’s try this cave thing again.

Okay, what the heck am I doing wrong?

While I was busy with Quen, Bee randomly started sketching.

Mimey really is just hitting these paintings out of the water!

Finally, it’s birthday time for Bee and Hypno! I know it seems very soon after Psyduck aged up, but the “triplets” were only three days younger than him, and those three days seemed to drag on for so long! I’m happy to finally have Quen taking over!

Bee and Hypno go at the same time, saving Quen for last.

Beedrill: I wish to finally get away from Hypno for a while to make my own way in life!

Hypno: What a great wish, my favorite cousin.


Hypno: My turn!

Maybe…step away from the cake…?

Hypno: I don’t know what you guys are all upset about. It’s just my birthday.

Vespiquen: Ugghh, fine. Out of the way, daddy! I got this!

Hypno: Guys? Aren’t you paying attention?

Hypno: I just can’t catch a break, can I?

I’m very glad he aged up alright, I thought the fire would take him for sure! His final trait is vehicle enthusiast, and his lifetime wish is to be an arc builder.

Hypno: Guys?

Vespiquen: Read the room, Hypno!

Luckily, Quen got the fire put out.

Deerling: Awww, but I wanted to see the sexy fireman put out the fire…

Fireman: Wowie. What a grandma-I’d-like-to-

TMI. Ling, you are 93 days old. What is going on with your hormones right now?

With the fire put out, we tried Beedrill’s birthday again.

His final trait is dog person. I forgot to write down his LTW, but it’s either to be a CEO or Leader of the Free World. Pretty sure it’s the latter, though. I do love Bee and Hypno, but I was getting kinda tired of them at this point so I didn’t spend that much time on their makeovers. Sorry, boys.

Last, but not least….

Vespiquen: It’s time for the Queen Bee to rise!

Hypno: Humana humana humana….maybe I’ve been hanging around the wrong twin this whole time…

Vespiquen: Uh…as much as I appreciate the compliment, I super don’t wanna be ogled by my cousin…

Quen’s final trait is…flirty! Her LTW is to be a master romancer. Looks like it’ll be multiple baby daddies for this generation indeed!

That’s all for this time, guys. Next time, we’ll get started on some Cinnabar baby-making!

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