7.15: A for Effort

Greetings and salutations, fellow Simmers! This will be the final chapter before the Fuchsia heir is revealed! The poll will still be open for a little while, so go get those last minute votes in! This is gonna be a bit of a long chapter, so apologies for that!

Last time, Missingno found romance with Kenickie Rourke and moved out with him. Then my game crashed.


I tried my best to replay up to the point we left off with few deviations. Lulu still taught Furfrou how to hunt.



Em and Kenickie still got married, and Em was released into the world of story progression.


Even this argument between mother and daughter happened with almost the same players.

Hoppip: I swear to plumbob, mom, if this house isn’t clean by the time I get home from school…

Deerling: Since when have I ever cleaned my own house?

Lurantis: I’m getting a strange sense of deja vu…

No, I didn’t set this up. Pip just really likes yelling at her mom for some reason XD


Hoppip: You’re artistically minded like me, Lulu. What do you say you join my band? I would be the conductor, of course, but I’d take your opinions into consideration as well.

Lurantis: Ummm, I’m gonna have to pass. You’re kinda mean to mom…


Lurantis: Oh Em Gee, it’s my big brother! He’s the best!

Hoppip: Of course, the boys with their tentacles get all the attention.

Cradily: Imma just sneak in here and get my wiener….


Furfrou: Am tired. Must nom.

How about you go to bed instead?


The kids brought some boys home from school. In the front is our friend Craig, who we saw at the park a few chapters ago. Behind him is Rodney. They’re both pretty cute, if a bit boring looking. They’re a pretty good representation of the genetics of this town: pretty but boring. That’s why I threw in a bunch of legacy Sims to spice things up a bit.

Petalil: Those boys are nothing compared to my Freddie.


Bull went to the Borovikov’s house after school.


Little Cho grew up. I randomized her face as a kid, so no telling how she’d turn out. I think she’s rather cute!


Porygon also went home with a friend. He was alone in the house for quite a while before said friend showed up.


Billy: Do you remember what we went over in math today? I’m seriously stumped…

Porygon: Dude, I’m just writing down random numbers. I’m bound to get a couple questions right that way.


Ah geez, more yelling at poor Deerling.

Flaafy: Why can’t anyone see me as my own person?! I’m tired of being told I look exactly like you, mother!

Deerling: Blame your dad for that, he’s the one who didn’t pass down his genetics!


It’s time for the twins to grow up and move out on their own!

Cradily: Finally, I can live my own life!

Cherubi: Fianlly, I can have my own room!


Here’s Dil, all grown up! Her final trait is frugal, adding to daredevil, good, clumsy, and charismatic. She wants to be leader of the free world.


Now it’s Petalil’s turn!


I think Lil might be the prettiest of Celadon generation! She gained avant garde, adding to workaholic, heavy sleeper, artistic, and ambitious. Her LTW is magic makeover.


Petalil: Hey, I need a taxi. My sister and I are moving into our new house today!

I almost wanted to keep Lil around, both for her pretty face and for her LTW. But at this point, I’m just ready for less Sims in this house!

Bye bye, girls. We’ll miss you!


Andy: Oh. You’re here.

Deerling: Yeah…this is kinda my house.


Deerling: Look, I know you’re upset about what happened between us. But I can see that this anger you’re holding onto is only hurting you. Maybe we can try being civil to each other instead?

Andy: Your face. Get it out of my face.


Andy: What am I doing…?


Our little cutie is off on his first solo hunt! Good luck, Furfrou.

Furfrou: Furfrou doesn’t need luck.


Rodney: So, look. We have seven chances to seduce a member of this family and take our rightful place as a legacy spouse. Now are you with me, or are you against me?

Craig: I’m tired and I wanna go home.


Flaafy is almost always the first one awake. She usually spends her mornings reading a book.

Flaafy: Dolores Umbridge is my hero.


Deerling: That dog…is a good boi.


Andy: You can do this, Andy. It’s now or never.


Andy: Hey, Ling…long time no talk? How did you sleep last night?

Deerling: Are we seriously doing this? I know you have the opportunity to raise your charisma for celebrity points…


Andy: No, no. I fulfilled that yesterday. I genuinely want to know how you’re doing.

Deerling: Oh, I see. Well in that case-


Deerling: I slept wonderfully because you weren’t hogging the bed!


Deerling: This is all your fault! I don’t want to sleep wonderfully, I like you hogging the bed!


Andy: Look, Ling. What if I made it up to you? You always did want to see a distant star system, right?

Deerling: He remembered…


Deerling: Actually, I’m leaning more toward the moon now. But I appreciate the effort.


Everyone started queuing up to listen to someone playing the bass when they woke up, but nobody in the household was playing it. Instead, I found the pap hogging it up. I mean, if it keeps him from causing more drama, I’ll take it.


Cherubi: Oh plumbob, I just read the funniest thing on Simbook.


Cherubi: Hey, dweebus! Rodney Clary just posted that you tried to throw yourself at him and he rejected you! I can’t believe my little sister is such a dork!


Hoppip: Don’t listen to her, Pip. She’s just trying to get a reaction. Go to your happy place.


Another try with the sparkly dig hole. Unfortunately, she came back up soon after saying she wasn’t athletic enough.


Ex-husband Andy swooped in as soon as she was free again.

Andy: Hey, Ling. I cooked you some waffles. I know you’ve been craving them for a while now.


Andy: And not just toaster waffles, either. No, I went all out. Got out the flour and the milk and all that jazz and I stirred the batter and poured it into the waffle maker myself.


Deerling: Okay, impressive. So long as you followed my super secret recipe. You do remember the secret recipe, don’t you?


Andy: Of course. The recipe involves going to sleep halfway through and almost burning them.

Deerling: Oh plumbob he did remember.


Andy: Hey, I got us tickets to that new action movie you wanted to see. Wanna go with me later?


Deerling: I don’t really wanna see a movie with you right now, Andy. Surely you can understand why. You’ve been horrible to me for several days now. Maybe you can take one of your four kids with you.

Andy: We have seven kids.

Deerling: Seven, that’s what I said.

Andy: Sure, Ling. I’ll take the kids instead.


Deerling: I’m so confused. What is his deal?

I wish I knew. He’s all over the place, yelling at her one minute and chatting her up the next.


And then making himself useful by filling in her dig holes.

Andy: I have a lot to make up for, I know that.

Perhaps midlife crisis Andy has finally left the chat.


Hoppip: Mother! My favorite person! How are you on this fine day?

Deerling: Okay, now I’m really confused.


Snubbull: She’s trying to suck up to you so you’ll let her take the car out this weekend.

Deerling: Oh, I guess that makes sense. But none of you are getting the car. It’s mine.

Hoppip: Dang it, Bull….


Snubbull: I thought for sure she’d fall for the bad kid, good kid routine…

Hoppip: Time to mark that scheme off the list. I swear, we’ll get that car one way or another.


What’s wrong, Mimey?


Mr. Mime: The sink…I checked it and it was fine….

Isn’t that a good thing?

Mr. Mime: Remember when I checked the stove…?

I don’t think the sink is going to catch fire on you. You’re fine.


Deerling: Our kids just tried to outsmart me and make me give them the car this weekend.

Andy: Lol, how dumb do they think we are?


Andy: Hey, I have an idea. I can’t exactly take you to another star system right now, but would you wanna just chill out and look at the stars with me?

Deerling: Sure, that could be fun.


Deerling: Space. I like space ❤

Andy: Plumbob, she’s beautiful…


Deerling: He’s touching my hand! Does that mean….


Deerling: You could come with me back to our bed tonight if you want…

Andy: That’s so tempting, Ling…but I think maybe we should take this slow. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?


Deerling: I don’t understand…why did he leave me…?


We have a leaky sink which needs fixing, and cute little Furfrou is playing in the puddle.


Flaafy: Want a treat, pretty boy?

Furfrou: Furfrou doesn’t trust this human…but Furfrou will take treat.


Mr. Mime: I could easily fall out of this window to my death…life is fragile that way…

Closet brooding Sim?


Flaafy: You run a blog, right Cheri?

Cherubi: Indeed.


Flaafy: I’m wanting to start my photography career, so I thought I would offer you my services. You do the writing, I do the photography. What do you say?


Cherubi: Sorry, kid. I work alone. I can take pictures perfectly fine on my smart phone, no need for fancy devices.

Flaafy: Ohhhh you best prepare for a war now, sister.


Hoppip: How could you crush Flaafy’s dreams like that, Cheri? She just wanted to help!

Cherubi: Oh, so now you’re involved in this conversation? I just don’t want her help right now, okay?


Cherubi: You know, with all the dirt I know about you from school, I could squash you like a bug if I were to release it on my blog. So how about you just keep your mouth shut.

Hoppip: Dirt…? Crap, what does she know about?


Don’t worry, Pip. I think Flaafy’s pretty much over it by now.


Furfrou found us a pink diamond! Unfortunately, we still need to find the luminous gem to get the heart cut. I’ve been reading that it shouldn’t matter if the gems you collect are from the base game or not, so long as you have ten types of them. We’ve found far more than ten types at this point though, so for now I’m operating under the assumption that we need the base game ones.


Furfrou: Furfrou did good?

Deerling: Furfrou did very good!


Alien: I heard you’re in need of gems, earthling. I have some very fine wares in stock.

Sorry, Mr. Alien. Nobody is available to take your call.


This little girl is Taz, Kenickie’s daughter with Sheogorath. She’s a cutie! Several townie kids this generation were named after Starship characters, explaining their interesting names XD


Cherubi: Excuse me, attention back over here please!

We’re ending things off with Cherubi’s birthday! Next time, we’ll see her grow up into the first YA of the generation. We’ll also be learning who will take over as the next heir of the Kanto Legacy!

Thanks so much for reading, everyone, and I’ll see you next time with the big reveal!

7.14: Unexpected Romance

Hey friends! It’s time for another chapter of the Kanto legacy! We still have a little bit of time left before Cherubi ages up, so the heir poll will still be open for a bit. If you haven’t had a chance to vote yet, feel free to do so!


Cheri’s boyfriend, Kane, apparently stayed the night. Surprisingly, she decides to actually interact with him after a good night’s sleep.

Cherubi: I heard you watching our TV when I woke up. What show were you watching?

Kane: I honestly don’t wanna talk about that right now, Cher. To be honest, I’m a little embarrassed that you barely talked to me yesterday.


Apparently he’s fine making funny faces with her, though.


Our mean little princess sure does make some fine faces.

Flaafy: I. Want. Pancakes! But there’s only waffles in the fridge!

You poor thing.



I haven’t had a pet in the house for a while, since I’ve been a bit sensitive to pet deaths due to IRL situations and I didn’t wanna deal with Grim eventually taking them. I am happy that I went for Furfrou though, he’s a cutie pie.


Hoppip: Why are there flies all over the house, mom? Aren’t you supposed to be the homemaker around here?

Deerling: The heck are you on about? What ever gave you that impression?


Lurantis: Hey, sis! Am I interrupting something?

Hoppip: Just me telling mom off for being a lazy piece of garbage.

Deerling: How did my kid become such a bitch?

Cherubi: This is an awkward time to sit down for breakfast.


Lurantis: Pip? I feel like you shouldn’t say things like that…mom’s doing her best.

Deerling: The only good kid is the grey one…


Cherubi: Just smile and eat, Cheri. It’ll be over before you know it.


Hoppip: God, why is everyone in this family so lame?


Lurantis: Has it always been like this? Why can’t we all get along with each other?


Snubbull: It’s too early for this crap…


Lurantis: I’ll hide out in the virtual world. Things are always better there.


Uhh….Porygon? Why did you take a taxi to school? An hour before the bus comes for the rest of your sibligns?

Porygon: Can you blame me? My siblings are nothing but drama.

Too true.


Ling’s back to digging. Hopefully we’ll find the pink diamond and get to make a Simbot before the next gen takes over. It’s not a big deal if she doesn’t, since I can still control her, but it’d be nice to have part of her LTW finished during her generation.


Lulu and Flaafy got the day off from school even though they aged up the night before. Lulu uses her time to practice some chess.


Em’s best friend at work is Kenickie Rourke, and he’s rolled the wish to learn two of his traits. We call him over to make that happen.


Lurantis: Oh my gosh, that’s Kenickie Rourke! He’s totally famous!

Furfrou: Really?? Let Furfrou see!


Flaafy: While the family’s distracted, I’ll take this opportunity to prank this chair!



Flaafy: Whoever sits here won’t know what’s coming!

You realize nobody but you and Lulu uses this room? Meaning it could very well be you who triggers the trap.

Flaafy: Semantics.


Furfrou had the wish to learn to hunt, so I let animal loving Lulu teach him.

Lurantis: See that bug over there, Furfrou? Go get it!

Furfrou: You expect Furfrou to run? Ha, as if!


Laurence the Maid: Gasp! That girl is so cute!

She’s a teen. Move along.


Missingno: So, here’s the deal. We take a rocket into work tonight and set it off in the building.

Kenickie: Ah, I see. Tell me more, tell me more. 

Em isn’t very good at this finding out traits thing. We’ve been through like ten different conversation topics, and haven’t found out one yet.



Deerling: What?


Deerling: Oh shoot! I’m on fire!


Got her put out on time! I was worried for a second. Apparently you can’t put Sims out with the fancy futuristic shower. Good to know.


Missingno: The rocket is for a disco ball. Em was hoping you’d think about dancing with him.

Kenickie: That sounds like fun, Em. I’d like that.

Ahhhhh. So that’s how it is. You realize he’s engaged to Sheogorath Personality though, and they have a kid together?

Missingno: ~heartfarts with Sheo~



Kenickie: I really like you, Missingno. I have since we started working together.


Kenickie: I know you recently lost your wife, so I hope you know I’m not expecting anything. But I do want you to know my feelings.

Missingno: Em hasn’t felt this way about someone since Chandra…



Kenickie: Wow… that was the best kiss I’ve ever had…

Missingno: Better than Sheo?

Kenickie: Sheo and I were never really in love. We just got engaged because we had Taz.


Missingno: You make Em really happy, Nick…

Kenickie: I’m glad, Em. You deserve every happiness.


Missingno: Em’s been around quite a while, Nickie. He’s done wasting time. Em wants you to be his.

Kenickie: Oh Plumbob, yes. A thousand times yes.


Kenickie: Em? What’s going on?


Missingno: Em meant what he said, Nick. Em wants you to be with him forever. Wanna get married?


Kenickie: Of course I’ll marry you!


Kenickie: I love you so much, Missingno.

Missingno: Em loves you too, Kenickie.


I moved Missingno in with Kenickie, who lives with his “sister” Minnie and her kid. Bye bye, Em. I hope you and your new husband are very happy ❤





Dang it.

I’ll leave this chapter here for now. The next chapter will pick back up after I replay up to this point. Remember to go vote in the heir poll if you haven’t yet and I’ll see you all in the next chapter!

Generation 7 Heir Poll

The time has come. The victor of Fuchsia Generation must now be named.


Option 1 is Cherubi. If she’s heiress, I’ll likely be continuing blogging with her. She might possibly explore celebrity life as well.


If Snubbull takes the reigns, we’ll be working on martial arts with him. This will probably entail a trip or few to China.


Our girl Hoppip’s focus, should the generation belong to her, would be on music. I’d probably go for something like one Sim band, building up all her different skills.


Mr. Mime’s future would likely involve going off to University. He might not be the most studious lad, but I think he’d do well in the academic environment.


Our mini Indiana Jones would spend his life travelling. Expect lots of dungeon crawling if Porygon becomes heir.


As for Flaafy, she would most certainly utilize her photographer’s eye trait. I imagine her spending her life travelling as well, focusing more on snapshots of the picturesque locations.


As for sweet little Lulu, I can imagine her taking off for Uni as well. She would also likely accumulate more animals throughout her lifetime.

So, who will it be? So many options, each with their own path set before them. I’ll leave the poll open for a while to make sure everyone gets the chance to vote. I can’t wait to see who you all choose!

7.13: A New Friend

Hey everyone! This will be the last chapter before the heir poll, yay! Generation 8 is soon approaching, and it only took me seven years to get here! In the last chapter, we witnessed the sudden and quite volatile divorce of our Celedon couple. This chapter will be a bit more lighthearted though, so worry not!


I’ve had plenty of fairy Sims before, but I can honestly say that I’ve never seen a group more prank-happy than these Fuchsia kids… perhaps this lot shouldn’t be given this kind of power.


It’s very hard to see because I failed to put lights on this section of the lot, but Pip took a shot at taking care of the bees. She’s actually wearing the protective gear, and she manages just fine.


Mimey and Porygon get onto something useful, building their relationship while playing chess.

Porygon: There’s, like, fifty moves you could make right now, Mimey. Pick one.

Mr. Mime: Hold your horses, Porygon. I have to go over each scenario in my head several times to make sure I’m making the right move.

Porygon: Jeez…I could be watching Game of Gnomes right now.


Pip seems to like the bass most out of the instruments. She looks rather good playing it, if I do say so myself.

Hoppip: And don’t you forget it!


I’m still not sure what to do with Andy right now. For now though, he has an opportunity to gain more celebrity points by working out. Not that he needs more media attention…


Missingno: Granddaughter, Em thinks this writing thing you’ve got going on is a load of rubbish. You’re evil just like your Papa, so you should take over his reign as the Empress of Evil.

Cherubi: Oh Em Gee, Papa Em. Times have changed. Evil can take more forms than just taking over the world, you know?


Cherubi: You know what would be a great idea? For you to entertain my boyfriend. I just invited him over so he’d think I’m paying attention to him. But I don’t actually wanna interact with him much. I have better things to do.


Missingno: So this is granddaughter’s boyfriend? What does Em do? How does Em approach this situation?

Kane: It’s good to meet you sir.

Missingno: Em is leaving now.


If you didn’t notice from his height, Kane’s a YA now. Cheri will be YA in just a few days, so that’s no big deal. And he’s still super adorable.


Dang, the service Sims are precious this generation. I honestly have no idea where their genetics are coming from, but they sure are making me question my plans for spouses.


Kane decides to come inside, and I force Cheri to interact with him for a bit.

Kane: Hey, babe. I missed you.

Cherubi: ‘Sup.

Meanwhile, Dil has one of her “I want my dad to love me but I also hate him” moments. She did something mean to him, then tried to comfort him afterwards. I missed all but the end of their interaction.

Cradily: It’ll be okay, daddy. You may be the worst dad on earth and I hate your guts, but at least you’re not fully dead like mom.

Missingno: Woah. Em can’t believe you went there. Get away from Em, daughter.


Kane: Your family seems interesting, Cheri.

Cherubi: Oh yeah. They’re all descended from yetis. Not me though, I was adopted.

Kane: Right.


She left him soon after, bee-lining for her favorite instrument.


Dil was quick to swoop in.

Cradily: You know who you should date instead of Cheri? Her younger brother Snubbull. He’s studious, capable, and he’s published actual novels as opposed to Cheri, who’s just blogging.

Kane: Umm…I think I’ll stick with my choice, but thanks for the advice.


I sent all the kids, sans Cheri, to the park to hang out for a bit. Mr. Mime is there too, he’s just being anti-social.


This little boy, George, seems to know the kids from school.

George: Hey, it’s that scary girl from school. Hi Scary Girl!

Hoppip: What did you say about me?!


Bull’s first autonomous action is to give a treat to this stray dog.

Snubbull: Hey there, boy. You hungry?

Stray: Starving, Mr. Human.


Snubbull: Here you go, boy.


Snubbull: That dog is the cutest ever and I want one.

See what happens when you actually participate on group outings?


After Bull, Porygon had to take a turn feeding the pup.


And then Mr. Mime.

Porygon: I was trying to interact with the puppy, Mimey.

Mr. Mime: Sharing is caring, bro.


I had such hopes for you, but now you’re just back on the computer.

Snubbull: The stocks aren’t going to check themselves.


Pip appears to be making friends with George’s older brother. I think he’s called Craig?

Craig: I played this game the other day, and the graphics were absolutely stunning. You should definitely try it out.

Hoppip: Gross, I hate video games. Only nerds play those.


Craig: Well, I hate reading. I think novels are stupid and a waste of time.

Hoppip: Oh no. I know he did not just say that to me.


Porygon’s making friends with the stray!

Stray: Are you my new master?

Porygon: Don’t put that kind of pressure on me. I’m exhausted already.


Mimey made friends with no one. He had a sad little picnic by himself.

Mr. Mime: There are ants crawling everywhere, and every piece of food in this basket has meat in it.

You poor soul.


Gah! Limbless baby!

This little girl is called Bug Kelley. She’s the daughter of Carolyn Kelley, Carnivine’s high school sweetheart. I don’t remember who her father is right now. Carolyn was glitched through the ground the whole time she was here. At least we got to see her cute kid though!


Flaafy: What’s that, doofus?

Porygon: Heck if I know. I was forced into bringing it here.

Soo…I wanted the pupper. I tried getting Porygon to befriend him at the park, but an adopt option never came up. So then I had him carry the puppy home, and still nothing. Probably because the household already has too many members. I ended up cheating and adding him into the household anyways.


Everyone, meet Furfrou Kanto.


Furfrou currently has no traits. I’m guessing this may be a glitch from me cheating him into the household.


Our new pal wastes no time investigating his new environment.

Furfrou: Ah, yes. This structure should do.


I guess Pip was getting hungry, because I caught her downing a whole jar of honey.

Old Man: What the heck is wrong with that girl?

I don’t know since I’m not a huge honey fan, but I’m guessing this would be similar to drinking straight maple syrup or any other sweet condiment. Doesn’t sound pleasant to me, but to each their own.


This “mean high five” thing is so sad! The Kantos keep doing it to each other, along with their pranks. This gen just doesn’t have it in them to be nice to each other, apparently.


Yay, Ling found one of the sparkly dig holes! Go find some cool treasures, love!


Deerling: I found a ruby. But then it electrocuted me.

Oh…better luck next time?


Flaafy: What…is this? Are you one of those fuzzy creatures who eats out of the trash can?

Furfrou: I am Furfrou. You pet Furfrou?


Flaafy: I guess you’re not so bad, Furfrou. At least, I don’t have the instant urge to see you as a ghost, like I do with most things I meet.

Furfrou: I’ll take it.


Lulu hasn’t been in the chapter much, so here she is. She’s a sweet girl, but she doesn’t make herself known as much as some of her other siblings.


I got tired of having to raise and dismiss Bonehilda all the time to appease Mimey, so we hired a maid again. This one looks like he could be the son of Grim!

GrimSpawn: Hello, family! I’ve finally found a way to introduce myself to you all! I’m your distant relative. My dads are Grim and Squirtle, your several greats grandfather! Isn’t that excite?

(Okay, not really. But that’s my headcanon now.)


Here’s Mimi, the daughter of Carnie and Mayu, as a child!


Andy’s back from the gym, and he’s still heartbroken. Even though he kind of brought it on himself.

Andy: I’m not sad about Deerling dumping me. I’m sad that I lost credibility in the celebrity world!

Flaafy: Kekeke, my evil plan is going perfectly! Soon my family will rue the day they underestimated me! Especially that vile Hoppip!

You didn’t have anything to do with this, Flaaf.

Flaafy: Or did I?!



Our little pooch immediately rolled the wish to sniff every member of the house.

Cradily: I noticed you never rolled any wishes for me, dog.

Furfrou: You’re not technically part of the main family branch, since you’re an extra kid. I only deal with the real legacy humans.

Cradily: Why you…


Deerling: Oh, it’s you. How are you doing hus- I mean, ex-husband?


Andy: I hate you. So much. Your face makes me want to vomit.

We managed to fix Bronzong and Gala back in the day. These two might be beyond saving though…


Andy: Do I still look cute? Can I still attract the ladies?

You used to be so sweet. What happened?




At least she has cute little Furfrou to give her love to.


Even though Porygon brought him home, I put his bed in Ling’s room. He seems very happy there.


Andy: I’m going to sleep on this couch tonight, Deerling. So you can see me and feel my presence and experience my pain!

Deerling: Can you kick this guy out of the house yet?

Maybe soon, love. We’ll see.


Before we know it, it’s time for the twins to age up! I let them age up by themselves in their shared bedroom. Not because I don’t love them, but because I’d rather the horde not swarm them like they always do.

Flaafy: Yes, one step closer to glory!



Why, hello there Deerling!

Flaafy: Very funny. Tell them my new trait.

Our little Flaafy gained photographer’s eye, adding to mean spirited, evil, and easily impressed.


Lulu’s turn!

Lurantis: I think it’s too late for me to become more interesting, but maybe I’ll gain a cool new trait!



Umm, Lulu? Can we get a look at your pretty face?


There we go!

Lurantis: I knew it…it was too late for me…

She rolled animal lover! She adds this to night owl, genius, and artistic.


Here’s a better look at the girls. Flaafy is the spitting image of Deerling, right down to the coloring. She’s still super cute though, and she does have some interesting traits.


Lurantis, despite not being the most interesting kid, might be the most genetically diverse of the bunch! She’s got Andy’s nose, but with Deerling’s lips and eyes.

With the twins just becoming teens and Cherubi set to become a YA in just a few days, it’s time for the heir poll! I’ll post that shortly, so be on the lookout! I can’t wait to find out which of our pink children will be taking over as heir, and I’m so ready for some yellow babies next generation!

Thanks so much for sticking with me, everyone. I’ll see you in the next post!


7.12: Midlife Crisis

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the penultimate chapter before the fuchsia heir poll! Last time, we witnessed the tragic death of our lavender spouse. Forewarning, this chapter will be a long one. My apologies in advance.


Let’s start with some good news! This little girl is Mimi, Carnivine’s daughter with Mayu Pixel. She’s the cutest!


Chandra’s death still stings the household, especially for the kiddos since they can’t use the moodlet manager.



Everyone deals with the loss in their own ways.


This is interesting. It looks like Pip should be talking to Bull, no? But she’s actually talking to Cradily!

Hoppip: You sure you can hear me from back there, Dil? This next part is very important. It has to do with how daisies bloom.

Cradily: Mhmm, continue…. ~sniffs~

Snubbull: Umm…I think I’ll just go anywhere else.


Lil sculpted this neat thing! And of course, the pap had to swoop in.

Petalil: Mom would have been so proud of this sculpture…

Paparazzi: Yes, that’s right. Let me see your tears. Death makes for great celebrity drama!


Luckily, Lil got her revenge.

Cradily: See, brother-in-law? Lil is the mean twin after all, so everyone should love me instead!

Andy: Boy, this situation sure makes me proud. For some reason.


What’s this? Bull doing something fun?

Snubbull: I’m tired of my family’s shit. Time to escape into the fantasy world and start a revolution!

Fair enough.


Sometimes the kids can be sweet though.

Mr. Mime: We all love and support you, mother. I hope you know that.

Deerling: Thanks…I wanna say Lurantis?

Mr. Mime: Not even close, ma.


Deerling: You think I care which kid is which? This is how much I care!


Deerling: Blah blah, look at me. I’m one of like a billion pink kids, how special.

World’s best mom?


Cute mail lady! I have service Sims replaced by bin genetics, but I can’t even fathom a guess at some of their parentage.


We need a pink diamond, so I sent Ling out to collect all the rocks and stones we could find. I’m sure we won’t be lucky enough to just find it out and about, but at least we can try.


I sent Andy to the bookstore for something or other and completely forgot about him. I found him at the tattoo parlor talking to the tattoo artist.

Andy: I was thinking something to do with music. Maybe lyrics? Can you do something like that?

Anne: Your Simmer doesn’t have custom tattoos, so probably not.

Andy: Darn…


Jean Kanto, one of Arbok’s kids, was there too. He’s kinda handsome in his own way!


Flaafy: AHAHAHA! Soon, that skill bar will be mine!

Yeah…I dunno.


Andy decided to have his adult birthday while talking to the tattoo lady.

Andy: Derp!


Andy: Wow, don’t I feel all mature. ~rolls midlife crisis~

Gosh dang it…


Deerling: My turn, my turn!


I decided to give Ling a more mature hairstyle, but I still kept all her outfits.


Prom time! This time, everyone was home, giving us a chance to see all the kids’ outfits.

Here’s Snubbull.


Cheri rocking her mini dress.


Flaafy: You look like an old lady in that dress! Who designed your outfit, Victoria Andrews?

Hoppip: I’m gonna murder that kid…

Snubbull: I would refrain. You’ll be out of the heir run if you’re in jail.


Mr. Mime: I dunno about this…there’s so much that could go wrong at prom…can’t I just stay home instead?

Sorry Arnold, you have to go. But I can almost guarantee that this’ll be a normal field trip.


Porygon: Let’s get this over with.



We saw the twins’ outfits last time, but here they are again. Porygon was crowned prom king, and Cherubi got queen again. Nothing else of import happened. I’m a bit sad none of them came home with an RI, just because that would give me an excuse to stalk some more of the town’s teens!


Is…is that my first baby gnome?! I do believe it is!!!!


Shouldn’t you be in bed, Lulu?

Lurantis: Just a little later! I love staying up past my bedtime!

Yeah, but then you wake up later than everyone else and almost miss the school bus.

Lurantis: Oh…being a kid isn’t that fun…



Bonehilda: Nothing to see here.

Missingno: Em doesn’t mind it. The company is nice.


Didn’t I tell you to go to bed?

Lurantis: Science first. Then bed.



It’s Chandra’s first night haunting, and the first thing she does is to take a shower.

Chandra: I can still feel the burn. The cold water feels nice.


Of course, Em is quick to find his beloved.

Missingno: Em’s wife! It’s so good to see you again!

Chandra: Glad to see you’re doing horribly without me, Missingno Kanto. I am your life, after all.


She disappeared shortly after.

Missingno: Chandra, come back to Em! He didn’t get his kiss yet!

Deerling: She’s gone, dad. You know that.

Missingno: But she was just here! Em swears it!

Deerling: Are we sure I’m the crazy one?


Missingno: Em will just have to read up on how to bring his wife back.

Flaafy: Has Papa always been a few crumbs short, or is this a new thing?

Hoppip: Naw, this is pretty normal honestly.


Andy’s first midlife crisis wish was to work out. I figured why not, he’s not doing anything else.

Andy: This hot bod isn’t gonna keep itself up!


Mr. Mime: Is the oven off? Good. Great. Looks perfectly safe to cook on.

Just be careful.

Mr. Mime: It’s fine. I checked it.


Pip picks a different instrument every day, the little virtuoso.


Cheri had an opportunity at the science facility, and afterwards I found her swimming in…toxic waste?

Cherubi: It’s perfectly safe, don’t worry.

Wild Horse: I wouldn’t even touch that junk.




Mr. Mime: Oh, poop…..


Andy: What did you do, kid?!

Mr. Mime: But I checked it!!!

Missingno: Cool, fire 😀

Porygon: Would you morons get out of my way so I can put this out?!


Andy, Mr. Mime, and Petalil: OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD

Missingno: This child is in Em’s way of being in the fire!


Porygon: Seriously? Now the cabinet’s on fire too?

Missingno: Em’s getting tired of you putting this thing out!


Finally, we got it put out.

Deerling: Oh my gosh, that was wicked!

Porygon: See if I ever save these idiots again…


Paparazzi: Seems like there was a commotion…I wonder if I can get the deets from that little girl…

Flaafy: So not gonna happen.


Once the excitement was over, Ling gets to digging.


Cherubi, of course, takes advantage of the situation for clout.

Cherubi: Oh my gosh, guys, there was a fire at my house! I almost died and it was so scary!

Once again, the people loved her post. And she lost followers. I was very confused playing through this. However, the lovely Sam (somebodysangel13) pointed out to me that bloggers tend to lose followers unless they wait for the “gotta blog” moodlet. We’ll definitely be trying that out!


Mr. Mime: Man, what does a guy have to do to get some peace and quiet in here? I’m tired and I just want to be left alone!

Snubbull: Maybe don’t burn down the kitchen, for starters.


Andy wanted to get a makeover, so off to the salon and tattoo parlor.

Andy: I’ll just stand here in-between this kissing couple.

Couple: Oh…that’s kinda hot.


He then gets spotted by Tu Morrow Creeper, who wants a pic.


Andy: Man, I love being so popular!

Somehow, he’s the most famous of the Kantos. Still only three stars though.


Snubbull…..did you do that?

Snubbull: Nope. It was like that when I got here.

A likely story.


I decide on Anne, the tattoo artist, to give Andy his makeover since he already knows her.

Andy: Nothing with heels, please. My butt already looks too big.

Anne: Don’t worry, I’ll make you look even hotter than you are.


Andy: I’m internally disappointed, but I don’t want her to hate me….Looks great! I love it!

Anne: You said that first part out loud.


Midlife crisis Andy rolled the wish to flirt with someone else…

Andy: Wanna take a jump in the pool and–

Anne: Play “find the loche ness monster?” Yes. Very much, I do.


Katie: Oh my gosh, that Andy Kanto is soooo cute!


Sooo…he flirted with her too.

Andy: You’re hot.

Katie: You’re hot.

Andy: Wanna flirt?

Katie: No, I have a husband.

What happened after this….was beyond my control.


Ling somehow got the news that Andy was caught flirting, and she decided to book her butt over to the salon and do this. No, really. I was still focusing on Andy when I got a popup that “Deerling is no longer interested in fixing this relationship.”

Deerling: I could understand if you wanted to be a bit wild when we first got together, but we have ten kids together, Andy!

Andy: Seven kids.

Deerling: That’s what I said, seven kids!


Andy: But Deerling…sweetie…you just don’t understand. There’s certain expectations I have to keep up as a celebrity, but it has nothing to do with our relationship!

Deerling: I don’t wanna hear it. You can bang as many bitches as your heart desires, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. We’re through!


Eric: It was super hot the way you stood up for yourself. Call me.

Deerling: Maybe.

Andy: Seriously? But he’s more famous than me!


Andy: How did this even happen…?


Deerling: How can you say that with a straight face?


Deerling: I can’t even look at you right now.


Deerling: This is your fault, you know?

Hey, you’re the one who decided to storm over here without talking to him first.

Deerling: Don’t you turn this on me.


Andy: High five me, Ling! We’ve got our freedom back!

Deerling: Ummm… okay?


Andy: Haha, psych! Why would I high five with a heart-breaking wench like you?

Deerling: Rude…


Deerling: You know, you’d think you’d be nicer since we almost died in a fire.


Andy: Shut up. You suck.


Andy: You suck SO MUCH! You’ve been crazy since the day we met! I should’ve left you back when we were kids!

Deerling: Andy…


Andy: I don’t wanna hear it from you. You brought this on yourself.

Deerling: You were the one rolling cheating wishes…and I know you rolled the wish to dump me way before this happened…

Andy: Irrelevant.


Deerling: Mother was right about you! I can’t believe I sacrificed my wings to grow old with a jerk like you!


Andy: Will. You. Shut. Up.


Andy: Nobody cares about your feelings! I’m the one who’s hurting here!

Deerling: Jeez, dude….I’m out of here.


Deerling: Daddy…Andy and I broke up…

Missingno: Finally! Umm…what Em meant to say is that he’s here for you, sweetie.


Missingno: Boo! Haha, don’t you look foolish and scared.

Andy: I don’t even care anymore.


Cherubi: How about we shoot him out into space, mom? Everyone here’s got your back.

Petalil: I don’t think I could do something so violent, but I’d certainly turn my back and allow it to happen.


I haven’t bought him his own bed yet. I’m still debating what to do with him. So for now, he naps on the couch.


Deerling: Ow, owww….


Deerling: Why is there pain in my tummy? Shouldn’t it be in my heart?


Mr. Mime: How could you do this to us, mother? Don’t you have any brains at all? We kids need you to stick together with dad despite his crap, so we can grow up without emotional scars!


Mr. Mime: I guess I can’t expect you to make the right choice for your kids though. After all, you’ve never been a good mother anyways.


Deerling: Why you…stupid brat…

Don’t listen to him, Ling. He’s just lashing out cause he’s hurting too.


Sooo….after that emotional roller coaster, I’m gonna cut things off. Hopefully the next chapter will be a bit more light-hearted. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in the next chapter!


7.11: Lost in the Flames

Hey friends! Last time, Deerling finally got THE CALL, and the quads aged up into teenagers. What will happen this time?


The Kanto kids continue to be studious. Flaafy may seem to be doing her homework begrudgingly, but the kids do it autonomously. I almost never have to prompt them.

Flaafy: Don’t listen to her, she’s a slave driver.


Virtuoso Pip finally gets to play musical instruments, and she couldn’t be happier.


Lulu: Ewww, ghost grandpa!

I don’t think I’ll ever get over my irritation at this interaction…

While we’re on the subject though, I can’t seem to find Em’s gravestone. I checked in everyone’s inventories, as well as the family one. The rest of the family graves are gone too. I might have to go into an old save to find them all.


Not that a lack of a grave bothers Em or his wife at all.

Deerling: Daddy. Hi. I love you.

These kids, I swear.


Deerling: Husband! Father isn’t paying attention to me!!!


Yeah, he’s a little busy. His wishes these days almost exclusively revolve around working out or his wife. Sorry, Ling.


Chandra, meanwhile, is back on her jelly bean kick.



Oh, shoot!


That was close!

Chandra: ~rolls wish to eat 20 jelly beans~



This picture doesn’t really have a point. Petalil is just pretty.


Cherubi: You know what’s stupid? That junky car outside. We can’t even drive it, what’s the point?

The point is to fix it so that it does work.

Cherubi: Dumb. Who would do that?


Well, your brother for starters.

Cherubi: He’s dumb too.



The twins each start working on a skill.


It’s the weekend, so I sent the kids out to do different things. Bull is back out to fish again.

Snubbull: I do so love the isolation.


Mimey went to the same location as Bull a little later on. He decided to swim instead.


Cheri gets to finish up learning to drive.


Porygon hardly wishes for anything, so he just gets to do whatever he wants. The little couch potato of course chooses to play arcade games.


Flaafy: Huh. So that’s what happens when you mix those two chemicals together.

Off to the shower with you, missy.


Lulu wanted to go to the art museum.


She could totally just paint at home, but sometimes it’s nice to get out of the house.


Pip found the bass! I’m loving having so many different instrument options as opposed to just the guitar!





Cradily: Well that completely ruined my lunch.


Porygon: Gr…grandma?

Cradily: Well that’s a bummer.


Missingno: Small child, please get out of Em’s way! That pile of ash is Em’s wife!

Grim: Good to see nothing’s changed around here.

Hey, Grim. Good to see you again.

Grim: Same to you. I kinda missed these goofs.


Grim: Rise, Chandra Bedlam-Tart. Your time has come.

Where you pointing at, Grimmy? There’s nobody there.


Ah, there she is.

Chandra: What…happened?


Celadon Girls: Mom….

Cradily: She ruined my meal….how could she do that?!


Grim: Let’s go, Chandra. I don’t have all day.

Chandra: No, please! I need more time, I’ve barely lived yet!

Grim: Your completed LTW says otherwise. Let’s go. Squirtle’s waiting. Now that the Simmer has YA, we can finally visit France.

Cradily: Can’t you at least save my meal? It got mom ash all over it!

Grim: Yeah, no. See ya, Kantos.


Chandra: Fine, I’ll go. Goodbye, family! Remember me for my awesomeness!


RIP Chandra Kanto, one interesting spouse. Nice only to her husband Missingno, Chandra was quite the temperamental Sim. Her unpredictability was always interesting though, and she did max painting and alchemy and was close to maxing cooking. You will be missed, you crazy fairy.

Admittedly, I did put down the jelly bean bush hoping shenanigans would occur. But I did also think she would put herself out instead of letting herself burn to death. I’d never really experimented with this much, but I’ve always had inventors autonomously run for the shower when they were on fire, so I assumed it worked the same way.


Flaafy: Wait, so grammy died cause she caught fire? I just exploded myself too! What if I had died???

You’re fine. Go take a shower.


Cherubi: Ugghh, did we really have to stop driving to acknowledge grammy’s death? That’s so inconvenient!

Andy: I can’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction at never having to interact with that witch of a woman again.


Wanna tell that to your kids?

Lurantis: Poor grammy….this heart I drew is in honor of her….

Andy: ….well now I feel bad.


Cheri decided to profit off the situation by blogging.

Cherubi: I’ll call this one “My Thoughts on Death.” Gaining sympathy through my grandma’s death will surely earn me followers.

~Readers liked Cherubi’s post! She’s lost seven followers!~



Porygon: You’re looking wonderfully ghastly today, Papa Em.

Missingno: Em’s wife is ghastly…how could you remind him of this?!

Porygon: I…I’m sorry?


He has more luck cheering up his mother.

Porygon: It’ll be okay, mom. Grammy’s in a better place now.

Deerling: Thanks, kid. I don’t mind much either way though, honestly. She was kinda awful.

Porygon: Oh…savage.


Flaafy: If it doesn’t bother you, can you tell me how it happened? Did her body disperse into clouds? Was there smoke? Did she have any remains, or was her body just a pile of ash?

Deerling: Why don’t you go play with something, you creepy kid?

Flaafy: Kay, sure.


Flaafy: I’ll just sit here and practice mugging people with my doll.

Deerling: Why are my children such freaks?


I dunno, maybe it’s because they do things like this?

Lurantis: Oh no! How could this human have seen through my plans?

Cherubi: Lol, I totally have to blog about this. Maybe grammy’s death was too depressing. This’ll totally bring those readers back!


Excuse me, young man. Should you be daydrinking? Especially out in public?

Mr. Mime: Can you blame me? We all have our own coping mechanisms.


Mr. Mime: That cool, refreshing juice…drink the pain away…

Well… I suppose I really can’t blame you, can I?

Sorry for that slightly downer chapter, guys! I promise, it doesn’t get much happier next time. But you’ll just have to find that out for yourself! Thanks for reading, and happy Simming!